Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Bee and I had a phone conversation last weekend that went a little something like this:

Bee: "I keep checking the blog to see if you've posted anything."

Me: "I know. I keep checking the blog to see if you've posted anything."

In the background you could hear Señor Marine's pleas for a popsicle (he was recovering from knee surgery)

Bee: "One of us should post."

Me: "Yeah. Did you hear that Jessica Simpson finally had her baby?"

Long pause while Bee lets me know she couldn't possibly care less.

Me: "I think if we were celebrity sisters, we would be the Simpson sisters."

Bee: "The twins?"

Me: "Ashlee and Jessica aren't twins. They're just like us. An edgy younger sister and a ditzy older sister."

Bee: "I thought you meant Marge's sisters. The twins."

Me: "Because we don't shave our legs and are chainsmokers?"
Bee: "Because they don't really do anything besides stand around and heckle people."

And this is why you get such quality posts from me and Bee. You're welcome as always.

PS- For those of you who were concerned, Señor Marine got his strawberry popsicle.