Saturday, June 9, 2012

Links (not of the sausage variety)

Since no one is tending this blog (Bee, you have a computer and therefore could post. I know because you skype me from your computer), I thought maybe I would just point you in the direction of some better, more active funniness.

Camp Patton is guaranteed to ease your guilt about anything you do as a mother. Until you see what Grace does with were mad sewing skillz. Or baking. (It doesn't matter if she has skillz or not, she bakes at all and that's all that matters.)

Wit not Leisure needs to be mentioned now, before Mrs. Grey blocks me from her blog. (I used to think it was creepy to lurk on blogs, but have now decided that it makes me a bigger creeper that I comment on the poor woman's posts almost daily).

And if you're looking for celebrity news (because I'm willing to bet you're classy like that if you're friends with me), you shouldn't be getting it from anyone but Suri. Because she serves the news with a side of snark. And that makes me feel like a bigger person.

Maybe someone will own up to running this blog. Maybe.


  1. oh my heavens, you're the kindest! comment! comment everyday, i love them! i'm lurking too...

  2. second the kindest! happy to ease guilt!!!!

    Thanks a ton for the mention -- happy I found your blog. Loving it thus far!

    1. OMG! Grace just commented on our blog! I feel like I am going to swoooooooon into blogger celebrity-dom. Thanks so much, Grace. :)

