Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why my wedding dress should be part of my daily wear wardrobe

Pardon me if I look a little crazy today. I have spent my time madly throwing away clutter in me and Señor Marine's apartment, prepping for the moving company to come tomorrow and Friday. Tomorrow  it's the bigger one, as they will be packing and taking away our furniture, dishes and random non-necessities to put in long term storage until Señor Marine and I are reunited in a real life house. Señor Marine will be allowed to stay in our apartment a little longer but let's face it, the chances of him cooking anything more than a pot of canned soup or doing anything but sitting on the one couch left behind playing Minecraft are zilch.

It was also very upsetting when I was telling Señor Marine that it will be a pain in the butt to drag my wedding dress all over the country with me. That's when he replied with a reasonable, "Why don't you just throw it in storage?" And for some reason, that thought had never crossed my mind, and for some reason, putting my gorgeous 번쩍번쩍 (sparkly) wedding dress into some musty, dreary storage unit was quite upsetting to me. I mean, can you blame me?

Look at those gorgeous ladies.

Anyway. Señor Marine came home from work to find me with my Jewfro in full force (from the stress and mad heat in the house), the house in total chaos, and my wedding dress and bouquet lovingly spread across the couch. Señor Marine said this was all better than what he expected, which apparently was me sitting IN my wedding dress, eating ice cream and sobbing while I watch Dirty Dancing or some other dopey chick flick. Not surprisingly, he forced to sit down and watch a mindless episode of Stargate SG-1 with him.

And all of this to say, Kae had better rewrite our blog intro, as she is no longer a twenty-something (HA! Outted you!) and Señor Marine and I will no longer be blissful newlyweds living on the coast.

I shall leave you all with my dose of awesome for the week. And as was pointed out, I specialize in saving the world, not linking awesome music to awesome blogs, so if it doesn't work, Kae will clean up my mess.

Bee out.

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