Monday, June 11, 2012

Tsunami 2012

I called Aquaman at work this morning (9:30 am to be exact) after I was 3 hours in to a tantrum with Sassypants. 3 hours is kind of my limit. I pretty much just called to pitch a little tantrum of my own.

About 2.4 minutes after hanging up, Matilda told me that Pipsqueak had spilled water in the kitchen. All Over The Kitchen. There was no way any child spilled that much water. After a quick lap of me frantically swimming through the kitchen, bathroom, dining room, entryway, hallway and laundry room I found the source of our flood. The washing machine, not Pipsqueak. (He doesn't know how lucky he is).

2 hours later, after:

Specs told me "No thanks, that's boring" when I screamed for him to man a bucket and a sponge,

Matilda hauled bucket after bucket of water outside, dragged wet towel after wet towel outside, and moved chair after chair to dry land,

We saw Noah float by on his ark,

Lanky  bailed out the washing machine by hand to stop the free flow,

Sassypants tried to pitch a tantrum, but couldn't compete with the shop vac (Thank God for a vacuum that sucks up water),

...we were left with a stack of sodden towels and a muddy floor. Which was extra awesome because our adoption agency missed a piece of paperwork (a year and a half ago) so we get a social work visit tomorrow. Which led to another tantrum comment by me about what a crock that the social worker is going to see a clean house and happy kids tomorrow and will have no idea what real life is actually like. Thanks for your seal of approval anyway, lady.

But in the midst of our clean up, while I tried to convince Lanky that one day we'll laugh about this (he's a little less than convinced about that), I realized that wearing soggy pants and manning a shopvac in the middle of my flooded house was a better day than my best day working outside the home. Which then made me think that I must have had a string of pretty crappy jobs prior to staying at home with the kids. I love being a homebody/mom that much.

And I'm too tired and too vain to share any pictures of the current state of disarray. So use your imagination. I think it's covered in Genesis.


  1. Okay, so I know it is probably so inappropriate to laugh at this, but oh my word, I am almost peeing my pants. Probably all that water talk...

    Of course the social worker is coming the next day. The officials always come when the crap happens. Why is that?

    1. What a true friend you are, Jess. Laughing at me from your clean, dry home. :)

      My mom worked her tail off and cleaned my whole house with me this morning, so the pity the flood earned me paid off huge.

  2. Not pitying you daughter, just love my grandkids that much.....didn't want them to drown.

  3. hilarious. a day so full it's literally too hard to convey in words, yes? love the picture though....
