Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One of those episodes where the writers are so lazy they just recap instead of thinking of new material

Some of you may have noticed how silent Bee's end of things have been. Here is a recap of things you may have been missing:

*Señor Marine is recuperating well from his knee surgery. Still no running allowed and he actually told me he misses running. Yeah, I think he's gone crazy too.

*I am now governmentally certified to be a badass in Korean. Next stop...some barren wasteland where bases are always fondly built!

*Señor Marine and I are now in season 8 of Stargate SG-1 and I still have no idea what my former psych patient meant when he told me, "dude, you don't have the clearance." Other than maybe, in the show, random conspiracy theorists show up and demand to know about the Stargate and they don't have clearance to be shown it. Or something.

*I saw Derek Jeter get beamed in the head during a baseball game. I was the only one who cheered.

What a baby.

*And just because I like this:

*Click here for awesomeness and pep. (and pretty much just an great song)

You have now been hipsterfied.

Bee out.


  1. oh no. link didn't work, awaiting awesomeness and pep.

    1. OK, I think I fixed the link. (My sister is governmentally-certified to save the world, but can't get a good link to YouTube. Everyone's lucky to have me).

  2. Hey now, it was well worth the wait, am I right? It's not my fault the government gave us computers from 1973 and I can no longer run my new-fangled laptop.


  3. I have always hoped to be hipsterfied. My life is a bit more complete now.


    1. Well, if we've completed any small piece of your life, our mission is complete. :)
