Sunday, July 15, 2012

Highlighting the ordinary

Here's a little update on what we've been doing in our little neck of the holler this summer. (But not a complete update, there may be a little something that will be mentioned in a few weeks...Does anyone else hate cryptic Facebook and blog posts? You're welcome).

Aside from our daily adventures with a laundry list of food allergies, aaaaaaaalllll belonging to our sassiest, pickiest little eater,

we've been looking for Bigfoot. The kids and I may or may not have watched an entire season some episodes of Finding Bigfoot...and then counted it as "science learning". Because they call themselves field researchers, after all.

This culminated in The Great Bigfoot Expedition of 2012.

The plan was for the intrepid explorers to hike out across the neighbor's field and down to the creek. Because the creek was probably prime 'squatch land, obvs. They made it to the edge of the yard before the explorers lost their intrepid and realized it was dark. And scary. So they just hunted around the pine trees at the edge of the house.

(Do you notice it's Aquaman taking the trio out on their hunt? That's because it was decided that the parental that's unafraid of the dark and doesn't actually believe in Bigfoot would be a better guide. And less likely to scar any children for life).

And then, Summer 2012 continued with a little claustrophobia about the boys' room. Due to the heavy '70's furniture.
(From the official craigslist posting. Adios.)

So Aquaman decided to prove his love (and desire for a wife who's less of a shrew happy spouse), and he whipped up this little beauty:

It's built in to fit over the bizarro built-in ledge of our basement abode. And has drawers underneath Pipsqueak's bed. Happiness.

Is everyone on the edge of their seat? Are you holding your breath on this whirwind recap of the first half of our summer. Me neither.

Intersperse a whole lotta bike riding, and that's the high points thus far.

I'm not really sure if blogging rules allow for a four-posts-in-one highlight reel, but whatever.

We look so good, the rules don't apply.



  1. well, as luck would have it, i won an award that allows me to bestow said award on 15 blogs i feel are worthy of the "lovely blog" award, and you are one of them! you are most definitely lovely!

    1. I was a little beyond nerdily excited when I read the award list on your blog. Now to start thinking of my acceptance speech/post...

  2. and that's hilarious. and that bunkbed contraption? amazing.
