Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday, monday

Perhaps I'll do a nice uplifting post tomorrow (or next week, we're not known for our prompt and punctual posting here at the project). Right now I'm laying on the couch, ready to watch yet another episode of Burn Notice and recuperate from the day. Yes, the difficult day of the stay-at-home-mom. (I also have disc 2 of season 2 of Downton Abbey waiting, but I think the world of burned spies and counter intelligence is more in order after a day like today).

I spent the morning thinking about how much Mondays totally suck for stay at home moms, just as they do for the people who have to leave their home for work. Then one of my favorite bloggers dedicated a whole post to that thought and I felt (mildly) vindicated.

Tantrums. Just tantrum after tantrum after tantrum from child after child after child. And the tantrums don't stop. Ever. Except for Pipsqueak. Who after losing the tantrum battle with Mama and deciding it may be in his best interest, after all, to stop screaming, ran to his room and started singing a sweet little song that goes a little something like this: "Mama's a baby kaka. Mama's yucky. Ooohh ooohh, yucky Mama." So then I had to heave a huuuuuuuge sigh and trudge down the hallway to address that little gem of disrespect. Which led to another tantrum.

If he wasn't so absolutely squish-a-licious...

To end the day on a brighter note, Aquaman just asked Pipsqueak if he had a diaper ready to put on for bedtime. Pipsqueak immediately ran to his dresser and streeeeeeeeetched his arm behind it to pull out a diaper...soaked and obviously previously used. I have no idea why he has a stash of used diapers, but if we ever do have need of urine-soaked diapers, we won't be caught short.

Happy Monday, all.



  1. glad i am not the only one to find urine filled diapers in the kids room hidden away

    1. It would explain the odor I couldn't find the source of earlier this week when cleaning their room. I had no idea the little guy had a sneaky streak.
