Monday, March 5, 2012

This is how we roll

Aquaman and I decided to load up the kids and share our entertaining selves and children with other parts of the country. Namely the sunny and warm parts of the country. Like any good, responsible parents we put a lot of thought into this as well as lots of preparation. Meaning, we decided on Sunday we should drive to Florida and we left on Thursday morning.

This is our chariot that carried us the entire 3,500 mile round trip. There were also some containers with food strapped to the top at the start of the trip, but we lost them somewhere on the interstate around 3am in Kentucky. I have visions of hillbillies feasting on homemade muffins, store brand Ritz crackers, and really expensive trailmix made with almonds to accomodate SassyPants' peanut allergy.
Out of all seven passengers, I think Lanky was the most excited to be released from his seatbelt prison. Because he was looking forward to the wonderland of Florida, it was like travelling with a hamster with ADHD.

These two spent quite a bit of time on the beach with me and were happy to model for me while I practiced using our big, fancy camera. The camera we've had for six years and I've just now decided to learn how to use (that motivation may have something to do with the fact that our little point and shoot camera died somewhere in north Florida).

Family picture time because I had a camera and a beautiful outdoor background and by-golly you'd all better just sit still and cooperate.

A romantic beach picture of me and Aquaman. Pay no attention to the small child who wandered over to join in.

In an effort to distract the kids from the drama unfolding right in front of our campsite (that many elderly snowbirds and an ambulance or two- and three police cars- are bound to show up)...

...I let the kids take turn playing with the expensive camera. Obviously you can see from my happy face that I soon realized what a good idea this was.

But at least we got this beauty of a picture before we put the camera away. It's like a work of art. Seriously.

So, that was our trip in a nutshell if you just add in lots of snorkeling, laying in the sun, and bike riding. No pictures of our scenic stays at truck stops and Home Depot parking lots, sorry to say. And then we came home to a foot of snow on the ground in the Holler. The end.

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