Sunday, March 4, 2012

Korean compliments

I admit, I have been slacking on my blogging. Kae and Kompany (oh yeah, that just happened) are on vacation, leaving me as the sole caretaker of the blog. She promises posts full of rolicking tales and shenanigans tomorrow, but I have to keep up my end of the responsibility at least a little bit.

So, this week was full of too much running and too many push ups. Not really, but I like to complain about having to do even the slightest bit of PT. I joined the military not even able to run two miles without having to stop for a break. Thankfully I'm in shape now (like I have a choice) but that doesn't mean I like it. That much PT made me too cranky to write a post.

This week, the Koreans, along with the rest of us, whipped up a batch of some good Korean home cooking. Señor Marine was allowed to come eat with us, and it was the first time the Koreans had met him. Of course, this happened to be on a day when he was in his service dress (not his blues, but a less formal version of his blues, for you non-military people. Blue pants, long sleeved brown shirt with a tie and the white hat. I tried to find a picture but apparently no one on the internet wears this particular combination, ever), so he showed up in his fancy clothes and his white hat, looking like a poster child for the Marine Corps. And of course, the Korean women fell instantly in love with him. Every single one told me how handsome he was and how we suit each other so well. I had never heard that part before, but I took it as a compliment. One of them explained the next day about how it's a really high compliment in Korea, for a husband and wife to suit each other. She said our faces match really well. I'm pretty sure Señor Marine is pretty thrilled to know his Mexican face looks like his Jewish wife's face.

Although, now that I think of it, we always joke how Señor Marine is really married to the Marine Corps and I'm just his mistress. His face does suit his Marine hat....?

I have also been busy immersing myself in hipster music. There is not a good music scene in this area, so myself and my hipster wingman try to keep connected through friends from home. Our current favorite song, known to our group as "The Glitter Witch Song" was actually courtesy of Kae.

"Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men

Look it up. Trust me.

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