Friday, February 24, 2012

Looking like crap doesn't mean I'm pregnant

I'm sure all two of you who read this blog (that's counting me and Kae) have been wondering what Bee's been up to that's caused her searing wit and biting sarcasm to be silent. The answer to that, of course, is Korean. And watching lots of Grey's Anatomy and occasionally getting up to run and whatnot.

On the subject of Korean (specifically my Korean teachers), one of my teachers today told me I looked like crap. I assume that's the translation from Korean. I don't actually know the verb for "to look like crap" but that was the jist. She asked if I was getting a cold or something. I'm not, I just looked like crap today. My classmate answered for me with, "Oh, don't worry about her, she's just pregnant." (For the record, NOT PREGNANT).

Before I could cut in, my teacher was bouncing in her seat, clapping her hands and congratulating me. The kicker is, the first thing she said was, "Really? It's about time!" Oh yeah. Who cares that I have other goals and we aren't having kids yet. My Korean teachers, from the second I got married, were waiting for me and Señor Marine to put a bun in this oven. Of course, she was terribly disappointed when I told her my classmate was just joking around. Crushed, even.

On the bright side, Señor Marine and I already decided we are naming a child Hurricane if it's a girl and Optimus Prime if it's a boy. So we're set there.

1 comment:

  1. As long as the middle name is Susan, we're good.
