Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gifts from the heart...and from the wild

Lanky is a sweet guy. He'll come inside with something behind his back and tell me he has a surprise. I've been gifted bouquets of dandelions, thistles, and some weird flower that actually kind of stunk up the house.

So, today at Grandma's when Lanky earnestly said, "Mom, I have a surprise for you," I was expecting a pinecone, maybe some dried up fall foilage.



What mother wouldn't rather display part of an animal carcass on the kitchen counter instead of a vase of fresh picked wildflowers?

Should I even say it's the thought that counts? Because you know darn well I'll be treasuring my new animal skull for years to come.


  1. That is my kind of boy! We have several skulls, a horn, alligator head, stuffed frog, crow feet and a ginormous mule deer on display in our house. He'd fit right in with all our crazy! Plus, you can scrub it with a toothbrush and some bleach mixed with water to freshen that beauty up and get rid of some of the ick factor.

    1. Ha! I knew you'd be all over this post! I was thinking of your skulls as I wrote this. :) And I figured you'd know how to clean that baby up because it kind of smells.
