Friday, April 20, 2012

Foot-poppin' fun

So I bought some blue knee high boots. Blue knee high boots with ruffles. This was on a whim, as I ended up at an outlet mall and they were the last pair at Charlotte Russe and therefore ten dollars. Before I go further, you all need a visual.

So initially I wanted to wear these boots on Monday. That didn't pan out. So I had to wait all the way until Thursday (THURSDAY) to wear my blue boots. I came home fresh and sparkly from work with somewhere to go (trivia night with some of Señor Marine's friends) and got dressed. Imagine, if you will, these boots with leggings, a white skirt and a gray lacy shirt. Cute, right? I walked out of the bedroom and Señor Marine's reaction was, "Well, that's hippie of you." (Yes, I realize this sounds mean when it's written and not him saying it, but he didn't mean it that way.) Probably right with a flowy skirt and ruffly boots and whatever. Take two was just skinny jeans, boots, shirt.

So we headed out, and once we got to trivia, I did everything in my power to have someone comment on my boots without flat out saying, "Hey! Boots! Look!" I tried crossing my legs so my foot stuck pretty much straight out in everyone's line of sight. I tried casually standing up with my foot popped as I talked to someone. I imagine it looked something like this:

You know, cute and casual.

So after an entire night and not a single comment, I looked around and realized: we were with a group of entirely male friends. And not a single one of them was going to say something about my shoes. I had struck utter failure.

I'll wear them again and damn it, someone is going to comment on my blue boots without me forcing them. If that doesn't work, I'll jam that cute little stiletto heel into their foot until they do.

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